Song of the day: Montana – "Julia"

December 14, 2010

I’d like to bring the energy level down a little bit today and play you a ballad*.

Here’s Montana with a gorgeous and heart-breaking (well, it breaks my heart) song called “Julia”. The lyrics may (or may not) be about mental illness:

Montana – “Julia” (2001)


Montana official website
Montana on MySpace

(*Unless you’re constantly drinking red cordial, or taking amphetamines, you probably don’t need to have every song here full of energy.)

Song of the day: Montana – "Nearer"

November 26, 2010

I know that I pestered you with a whole heap o’ Montana songs recently, but I’ve only just discovered a video for one of their songs (“Nearer”). I’m afraid that’s all it takes for me to play you yet another Montana song:

Montana – “Nearer” (2001)


Montana official website
Montana on Lojinx
Montana on MySpace

Song of the day: Montana – "Good Goes Bad"

October 7, 2010

I’m really sorry about this…

I honestly thought I’d finished playing you all the Montana songs I was going to play you, but I’m exceedingly keen on playing you just one more. And then that’ll be it. No more Montana songs on this blog*.

Montana – “Good Goes Bad” (2006)


Montana official website
Montana on Lojinx
Montana on MySpace


Song of the day: Montana – "Wait"

September 28, 2010

Look, I’m sorry about this.

I know that with a music blog it’s generally a good idea to offer the reader/listener a bit of variety, but I’m really diggin’ the music of Montana at the moment. Now, because I tend to play you music that I like listening to – and I’m liking Montana (and listening to it a lot) – I feel compelled to inflict some more Montana on you:

Montana – “Wait” (2006)


Montana official website
Montana on Lojinx
Montana on MySpace

Song of the day: Montana – "Haircut And A Guitar"

September 25, 2010

Here’s a song where the singer is slightly concerned that he occasionally feels like he’s nothing but a…

Montana – “Haircut And A Guitar” (2001)


Despite the singer’s concerns, I like the song. And I like a lot of Montana’s other songs, too. Remind me to play you some more Montana sometime.

Montana official website
Montana on Lojinx
Montana on MySpace

Song of the day: Montana – "110"

September 2, 2009

Here’s Montana with some extremely pleasant harmonies and “110” (2001):

Montana – “110” (2001)


About three days ago I received a helpful email from Andrew (thanks, Andrew!) informing me that Montana existed. I knew about Montana the American state but not Montana the Australian band. And I’m glad to make their acquaintance. Hello, Montana!

“110”‘s opening guitar riff reminded me of the Pixies‘ “Here Comes Your Man,” but as soon as the boy/girl harmonies kicked in I thought of The Hummingbirds. By the end of the song, however, I had stopped thinking of both the Pixies and The Hummingbirds, and was thinking of Montana – and the intriguing couplet at the end of the song: “I thought we were friends / 110”. I wondered if they meant that they wanted 110 friends, then thought of the impracticality of having 110 friends (can you imagine inviting your 110 friends over for a DVD evening?). But then I remembered that earlier in the song they sang “You think you’re gonna live to be 110” in the chorus, hence the title.

Overall, though, I think the song’s rather nice.

Montana official website
Montana on Lojinx
Montana on MySpace