Musical coincidences # 330

November 7, 2012

A week or so ago I pestered you with an inordinate number of songs from a Futureman Records sampler. (If you’re curious, the exact number was four. If you’re not curious, then feel free to ignore the previous sentence.)

I’m about to pester you with another one from the sampler, but this time it’s in aid of pointing out a fairly noticeable coincidence.

The song from the sampler, “You Or Michael Brown” by The What Gives, has a melody in it that would be rather recognisable to Squeeze fans:

The What Gives – “You Or Michael Brown (2012) (excerpt)

Squeeze – “Is That Love (1981) (excerpt)

Here are the full versions:

The What Gives – “You or Michael Brown (2012)

Squeeze – “Is That Love